Wednesday, December 27, 2006

About my posts

Dear readers

I find it necessary to inform all of you, who read my site, that i post 2 kinds of stuff in here.
First i do post regular updates on how the story of my novel evolves, how far i am in the writing process and anything else regarding my novel in progress named "Evolution Break".
Second i post videos from YouTube that i find either truly breathtaking for the glory and beauty of the universe itself - different atmo movies. Or i do post videos (again from YouTube) which i think capture the mood or sometimes the essence of the story that is on my mind and i am trying to tell. I would like to thank YouTube as a platform for tearing down the boundaries between cultures on this planet and helping all people to understand that we truly are one and as one we are part of something bigger, that is so much more than pitty human problems like religious, political or moral tensions and conflicts that shroud our view of existance as the biggest gift given to us in a big and eternal universe, where nothing is useless and everything priceless. I want to thank all people, who post their astonishing creations on YouTube for their never ending endurance and their passion for something that is so important - the dialogue between every one who lives and thinks rationaly.

Without YouTube i wouldn't be able to provide my readers with movies that help create a feeling for what i am doing.



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